NCFDD Writing Science Webinar Course (3 parts) Feb 15-March 1

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In this three-part webinar series, Writing Science: How to Write Proposals that Get Funded and Papers that Get Cited, available as part of your NCFDD membership, gain insights to strengthen different types of scientific writing critical to your career. From the description:

"...first explore how to use different story structures—why specialist papers have the punch in the conclusions while in a proposal, “if you haven’t told them in the first two pages, you haven’t told them.” From there, we will move down toward paragraphs exploring how to make writing connect and flow. Finally we will explore how to make writing engaging—activating language and decluttering it. The overall goal is to communicate clearly—how to make your writing powerful and professional without being pedantic."

DatesFebruary 15, February 22, March 1, 2018 12-1:30 pm