Department Chairs

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This page will feature resources for department leaders and members to understand key factors to a positive, warm, inclusive department climate;  how to talk about climate; and how to take actionable steps to sustain positive workplace environments. 

The Lehigh ADVANCE surveys, and numerous external studies, have demonstrated that one of the biggest factors linked with faculty retention and job satisfaction is the climate in the academic department. This held true even for interdiscilpinary scholars.  Department chairs have the unique position to manage and establish department norms and practices which support all of its members. 

For Chairs (and Deans) on Mentorship: New Approaches for a New Professoriate

Establish mutual mentoring or chart a mentoring roadmap:

Current Lehigh University Department Chairs-List and other Information

Fall 2024: 

Toolkit from SIUE

NEW RESOURCE Fall 2022: For Department Chairs of recently hired faculty. 

Fall 2021 Chair Orientation

Giving Feedback at the Triennial Review: Promotion Plans

COVID-19 Related Information for Chairs: Understand impact on faculty careers, includes calls to action, data, and recommendations

Leading with Inclusion in Mind

Case Studies from CCAS