Women STEM faculty recognized at 2019 University Faculty & Staff Awards; for complete list of 2019 University Awardees: https://awards.web.lehigh.edu/node/658
Alfred Noble Robinson Faculty Award, Sirry Mlbong Alang, Department of Sociology
Hillman Award for Excellence in Graduate Advising, Natasha Vermaak, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Lehigh Early Career Award for Distinguished Teaching, Haiyan Jia, Department of Journalism and Communication and the Data X Initiative
Libsch Early Career Research Award, Kelly Schultz, Department of Chemical and Bimolecular Engineering
Deming Lewis Award, Kristen Jellison, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
*Robert C. and Virginia L. Williamson Award for Social Research, Danielle Lindemann, Department of Sociology and Anthropology
RCEAS Rossin College Awards: Shout out to Associate Dean Svetlana Tatic-Lucic, for earning the 2019 Faculty Peer Mentoring Award.