Faculty Retention-Evaluation

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Faculty retention is fostered by a complex interplay of domains which include the faculty department and campus culture and climate, giving and receiving quality mentorship, leveraging professional development opportunities for growth and innovation, competitive salary compensation and rewards, having an equitable and transparent faculty review and evaluation process, and a suite of policies that support our colleagues as whole people in order for them to make excellent, innovative contributions across their careers of teaching, research, service and other impacts and in all facets of their lives. 

There is a robust and large body of scholarship teaching us how to understand the experiences and outcomes of different scholars as they go through the arc of a faculty career. Retention begins before a faculty is even recruited. 

Tenure and Promotion, in particular, is typically fraught with ambiguity, gatekeeping, and leaves scholars with marginalized identities having to prove it again and be resilient to navigate the system.  This section describes policies, practices, research and tools to support faculty retention, with an empahsis towards equitable and transparent faculty evaluation- the machinery and system of valuing and rewards. 
Learn about the evidence for the types of stereotypes and biases which play out in faculty evaluation, and learn about solutions to do better.

See these resources for citations about research related to faculty evaluation. 

See these items about equity related impacts and interventions related to COVID-19

What is Lehigh ADVANCE doing to move the needle on creating an inclusive, equitable, and transparent faculty evaluation process?