Thursday, September 6, 2018
Did you miss the Welcome LU-WISE lunch? Here are the slides for you to review. Key resources and ideas shared include:
Dates of upcoming LU-WISE lunches
Opportunities to pass along your voice and ideas to leadership
A preview of "Every Semester Has a Plan" tools & webinar from NCFDD:
Get the most of out NCFDD! Claim your free membership by clicking "join" and selecting Lehigh from the menu. Tell your post-docs and students they can access this resource, too.
- Weekly Monday Motivator
- Monthly Core Curriculum Webinars
- Monthly Guest Expert Webinars
- Access to Multi-Week Courses
- A private Discussion Forum for peer-mentoring & problem-solving
- Monthly accountability buddy matches
- Moderated writing challenges
- Access to the Member Library that includes past webinar materials, referrals, and readings
FUNDING for Women in STEM
- Faculty Development Grants help move STEM faculty from discussion of interdisciplinary collaboration and leadership in meetings and seminars to action that has an impact on STEM faculty careers. Funds can be used toward travel by Lehigh STEM faculty and visiting scholars to promote interdisciplinary collaboration or for tuition and travel assistance for Lehigh women STEM faculty to attend professional leadership programs. Applications will open each August. Completed ADVANCE for Application Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Leadership and accompanying materials can be submitted online.
- Diverse Voices in STEM: Funds are available to help academic departments host more diverse speakers to their seminars and colloquia. Up to 5 departments will be supported this year up to $750 each; demonstration of past colloquia demographics will inform decision. Application must be made 1 month before visit. ADVANCE Small Grant: Diverse Voices in STEM.